Wahoo you have just bought a brand new pre-seasoned camp oven but now what? This detailed guide will show you how to prepare a brand new camp oven ready for your first cook up.

NOTE: This article is for preparing a brand new camp oven that has been “factory pre-seasoned”.
Ok, so you have just bought a brand new pre-seasoned camp oven from your local camping store or even online at places like Snowys or Tent World.
But now what?
Well it’s actually ready to go straight out of the box, however, I do recommend that you give it a good scrub in some soapy water.
Once you have given it a good scrub, rinse it off thoroughly with clean water making sure to remove all the detergent.
Then let it dry, in the sun and once it’s dry give it a nice coat of thin oil and rub it around with some quality paper towel.
Now it’s ready to go.

Perfect size for roast and stews
The Campfire 9QT camp oven is pre-seasoned for your convenience and is great for cooking up a delicious hot meal when camping.
However, I recommend going a step further and adding a couple of your own layers of seasoning.
To do that put your lightly coated camp oven in a hooded bbq, pizza oven or campfire and heat it up till the oil stops smoking.
Do this as many times as you like, I usually do this three times.
Enjoy your new camp oven.
If you are looking for recipes, check out my website I have over 50 free camp oven recipes.
Watch how to prepare a brand new camp oven Video!
Read the how-to prepare a brand new camp oven guide

How to prepare a brand new camp oven
Total Time: 60 minutes
Gather Your Equipment together
A bristle brush or good scour pad
Dishwashing liquid
A tub big enough to sit the oven in
A running source of clean water
Give the Camp Oven a Scrub

To prepare a brand new camp oven, place your camp oven in a bucket, tub or container that’s big enough to hold it and fill with water, once full put a squirt of dishwashing liquid in and mix it up.
Give it a really good scrub with your bristle brush or scouring pad in the tub of water and dishwashing liquid. Don’t worry about hurting the seasoning I guarantee your arm will wear out from scrubbing before any of the seasonings wears off the oven.
Note: We aren’t going to worry too much about the outside of the oven just a quick scrub there will do. But be very thorough with all the cooking surfaces including the underside of the lid.
Rinse the Camp Oven Thoroughly

When you are satisfied that the camp oven clean, make sure you rinse it thoroughly to remove all of the detergents.
Let it dry Thoroughly in the sun

Once you have rinsed it clean, allow it to completely dry in the sun.
Lightly oil the camp oven

Using some cooking oil, (spray oil also works well), and wipe it thoroughly inside and out with a quality paper towel. You don’t want to leave it too oily.
Ready to use

Congratulations, your new oven is now food safe and ready to use or put away for your next camping trip!
However, if you have time I highly recommend doing the next step and add a couple of your own layers of seasoning to the oven.
Season Your Oven (Optional)

To season your camp oven, place your lightly coated camp oven in a hooded bbq, pizza oven or campfire and heat it up till the oil stops smoking, then let it cool slightly and repeat this process as many times as you like.
I usually do this three times.
Happy Cooking, Watch the Video
Estimated Cost: 69 AUD
- Dishwashing liquid
- A Container big enough to sit the oven in
- A running source of clean water
- A heat source (eg a gas burner, heat beads or a fire)
- Good heatproof gloves
- A bristle brush or good scour pad
Materials: Brand New Camp Oven pre-seasoned camp oven, I'm using a 9qt Campfire Camp Oven.
Frequently asked seasoning questions
My camp oven is pre-seasoned, what does that mean?
It means that the camp oven has already had the seasoning process done at the foundry and is ready to use straight out of the box, however, I recommend following my “Preparing a brand new camp oven for first use guide”
Do I need to season a brand new Cast Iron Camp Oven?
If you brought a brand new pre-seasoned camp oven from a camping store then no, it’s ready to go straight out of the box however I recommend following my “Preparing a brand new camp oven for first use guide”
If you brought a brand new foundry made camp oven then yes you do need to season it, you can do this by following my “How to season a camp oven” guide.
What’s the best camp oven to buy?
My simple answer is, don’t overthink it! any camp oven from a camping shop or online retailer is fine to cook in. I’ve written a “What camp oven should I buy” guide to help you choose your first camp oven.
What oil can I use to season your camp oven?
The most popular cooking oils to season your camp oven is Vegetable Oil, Canola Oil and Rice Bran oil as they have a high smoke point, which perfect for the seasoning process.
Avoid oils like olive oil and coconut oil as they have a low smoke point and won’t create the best seasoning.
Can I use animal fats to season my camp oven?
Absolutely you can as traditionally, animal fats like mutton fat were used to season camp ovens, and while it’s okay, I don’t recommend it unless you frequently use your cookware.
Because If the cookware is stored for too long, lard and other animal-based fats can go rancid, and then you would need to strip and reseason your camp oven.