Camp Chef Camp Oven Unboxing

mick doing a camp chef camp oven unboxing

Today, I will be doing a camp chef camp oven unboxing and a review of the 10inch, 12inch and 6-piece cast Iron range available from Camp Chef.

camp chef camp oven unboxing
Mick doing an unboxing of some camp chef cast iron.

camp chef is an American brand that’s been around since 199. And is now starting to come to Australia. They produce a large range of camp ovens, smokers and more.

Over the last 10 years, it’s been my passion to educate others in camp oven cooking, this includes what camp oven to buy.

In my opinion pretty much any camp oven on the market today is pretty much the same. they are all made of cast iron, they all come pre-seasoned and they all cook your food really well.

and they last a lifetime if looked after, However, today I’m going to focus on what i have here today.

What’s included in the camp oven box?

  • a cast Iron Camp oven.
  • a camp oven lid lifter.
  • a product guide.
Camp Chef Camp Oven Unboxing | The Camp Oven Cook

I did say one thing before is that all cast iron is the same, however, the camp ovens have a couple of features that I really like that other brands don’t have.

Additional Camp Oven features.

  • The lid can be used as a frypan
  • The base of the camp oven features legs
  • vent hole to allow moisture to escape
  • Tru double seasoning

Camp Chef Camp Oven Specifications

10″ Specifications
Lid Volume:1.06L
Lid Depth:2.54cm
Base Volume:4.73L
Base Depth:10.16cm
Base Inside Diameter:27.3cm
Base Outside Diameter:29.21cm
Overall Weight:8.62kg
12″ Specifications
Lid Volume:2.17L
Lid Depth:3.5cm
Base Volume:6.62L
Base Depth:11.43cm
Base Inside Diameter:30.48
Base Outside Diameter:32.38cm
Overall Weight:10.9kg

Buy a New Camp Oven!

Watch the Camp Chef Camp Oven Unboxing Video

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