Ozpig is now taking entries for the 2017 Ozpig 14 day challenge. Are you a master of cooking a feast on an Ozpig? If you think have got what it takes to complete the 14 day challenge send Ozpig a private message on Facebook.
Beginning on January 1st, 2017 you must cook a meal each night and post pictures and a recipe for 14 days. You may cook more if you wish and this may give you an extra edge to win the bonus prize.
Entries close On the 15th December 2016
This year there will be a little bit of a twist with the rules. Each person that completes the challenge will win themselves a $200 Ozpig voucher. At the completion of the challenge, we will pick our favourite entrant and that person will win the bonus prize of an extra $200 Ozpig voucher.
Looking for inspiration?
Head over and check out the Ozpig 14 Day Challenge page and see some of the great stuff that has been cooked up over the last 2 years.

Don’t have an Ozpig, or after some new Accessories?
Our mates at Snowys have great prices on the Ozpig and their accessories. They also offer fast and free postage to most of Australia!
Visit Snowys website here.