Cleaning and Repainting a Rusty Ozpig Using a Sandblaster

Cleaning and Repainting a Rusty Ozpig Using a Sandblaster | The Camp Oven Cook

How do you clean a rusty Ozpig?

Being a member of a few Facebook groups, pages and websites, I often see people asking how to clean a rusty OzpigJust like cooking a chicken, there are so many ways you can do it. Below we cover three main ways using a grinder, sandblaster and molasses.

Three ways to clean a rusty Ozpig:

Safety: it is crucial to wear appropriate safety gear and to be competent working with power tools. This instructional assumes you have some experience working with power tools, painting with a spray can and is only outlining the steps involved in cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools.

Warning: Never paint the cooking plates, follow this guide

Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using a sandblaster

Note: This guide is a basic overview of the steps to restore your Ozpig, for a neater finish we recommend that you break the pig down and clean and paint it in pieces, however, today I have left ours in one piece as it lives in our backyard.

Step 1: Tools you need

You will require access to an air compressor, sandblaster, grit and safety protection.

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using a Sandblaster


Step 2: Remove the rust

Using the sandblaster remove all of the rust.

NOTE: the results of doing this at home will produce ok results. The sandblasting method is also a great way to get into all of the right areas. Make sure you are wearing all the appropriate safety gear as it is quite a messy process.

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using a Sandblaster

Ozpig-Sand-Blast_0003_Layer 3

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using a Sandblaster


Step 3: Ready to paint

Now that you have cleaned and prepared your Ozpig back to bare metal, and purchased your can of  High Heat Dupli-Color Paint available from Super Cheap Auto, it’s time to paint!

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using a Sandblaster

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using a Sandblaster


Step 4: All finished

Now she’s all painted and looking terrific I might add! This concludes our article on cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using a sandblaster.

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using a Sandblaster

Warning: Never paint the cooking plates, follow this guide


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