Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools

Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools | The Camp Oven Cook

How do you clean a rusty Ozpig?

Being a member of a few Facebook groups, pages and websites, I often see people asking how to clean a rusty OzpigJust like cooking a chicken, there are so many ways you can do it. Below we cover the 3 main ways using a grinder, sandblaster and Molasses.

Three ways to clean a Rusty Ozpig:

Safety: it is crucial to wear appropriate safety gear and to be competent working with power tools, this instructional assumes you have some experience working with power tools, painting with a spray can and is only outlining the steps involved in Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools.

Warning: Never paint the cooking plates, follow this guide


Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools

Note: This guide is a basic overview of the steps to restore your Ozpig, for a neater finish we recommend that you break the pig down and clean and paint it in pieces, however, today I have left ours in one piece as it lives in our back yard.

Step 1. Tools you need!

You will need your chosen tool to remove the rust and safety protection.

Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools

Step 2. Remove the rust!

Each of these tools will give good results however the grinder is the most efficient of them all.

Using a wire brush

If you don’t have access to power tools, a wire brush is good for light rust. However, it will work for really rusty Ozpigs however it will require more effort.

Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools

Using a wire brush on a drill

If you have access to a drill, a wire brush attachment is a good option as it requires less effort but and gives far better results than a hand wire brush.


Using a flap disc on a grinder

If you have access to a grinder, a  flap disc or wire brush attachment requires very little effort and offers the best results; a wire brush attachment is also a good option.

Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools


Step 3. Ready to paint!

Now that you have cleaned and prepared your Ozpig back to bare metal, and purchased your can of  High Heat Dupli-Color Paint available from Super Cheep Auto its Time to paint!

Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools

Step 4. All finished!

Now she’s all painted and looking terrific I might add, this concludes our article on Cleaning and repainting a rusty Ozpig using hand tools.


Warning: Never paint the cooking plates, follow this guide

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