Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using Molasses 

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using Molasses  | The Camp Oven Cook

How do you clean a rusty Ozpig?

Do you have a rusty Ozpig, try cleaning your Rusty Ozpig using Molasses. Being a member of a few Facebook groups, pages and websites, I often see people asking how to clean a rusty OzpigJust like cooking a chicken, there are so many ways you can do it. Below we cover the three main ways using a grinder, sandblaster and Molasses.

Three ways to clean a Rusty Ozpig:

Safety: it is crucial to wear appropriate safety gear this instructional assumes you have some experience painting with a spray can and is only outlining the steps involved in Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using Molasses

Warning: Never paint the cooking plates, follow this guide

Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using Molasses

Step 1. Tools you need!

A plastic container with a lid (big enough to hold the item your cleaning)
Wire or a coat hanger

 Where to get molasses:
Molasses is available from stock feed retailers as it’s used to feed cattle.

Step 2. Breaking down the Ozpig!

 Take the Ozpig Completely Apart, Tie a coat hanger to the item/s you want to treat and place the item into the container. The wire allows you to remove the item without putting your hands in the mix.

Step 3. Preparing the Molasses bath!

  • Fill the container with water to cover the item and add enough molasses to make a 9:1 ratio (9 parts water to 1 part molasses).
  • Place a lid on the container to prevent evaporation and flies, etc getting into the mix then allow to sit for about three days.

Molasses Bath | Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using Molasses 

Step 4. Remove and prepare for painting!

  • Using the wire coat hanger, pull the items out of the molasses mixture.

Remove from Molasses Bath | | Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using Molasses 

  • Wash the items with a hose and a scourer to remove all the molasses residue and dry immediately with an old towel.

Painting the Ozpig | Cleaning and repainting a Rusty Ozpig using Molasses 

Step 5. Painting The Ozpig!

It is paramount that you paint the Ozpig straight away because it will start to get surface rust very quickly. Paint it using a can of High Heat Dupli-Color Paint available from any good hardware.

The method outlined above was used for the Ozpig, which is made of steel. If you are doing this method on cast iron please refer to this Guide Cleaning cast iron with Molasses 

Warning: Never paint the cooking plates, follow this guide

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